Why AI for Architects?

I have a question for you

Hey there, Happy Saturday!

Since the very first announcement went out for AI for the Architects last week, the response has been quite shocking. It’s incredibly gratifying to see the level of interest from all of you.

Today, I'd like to talk about why I started to create this program, why I chose Stable-Diffusion as the main tool, and finally, why you shouldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

Why AI for Architects?

I remember being in your place.
When I started learning generative AI, I couldn’t find a reliable source directed towards architecture.

So, I took it upon myself to gather all the valuable information that I could find, and share all of it with my colleagues along the way.
If you have come across my profile, you know that’s exactly what I've been doing for more than a year.

I did this for you, just as much as I would have loved someone to do it for me when I first started.

There’s only one problem...

The standard 10-minute YouTube tutorial isn’t enough anymore. Ever since I've been covering the AI topic, it hasn’t stopped growing. It became a new career specialization on itself, and like any other one, it deserved its own professional training program.

I design this program for people like you, ready to lead as the latest architectural specialists of 2024.

Why Stable-Diffusion?

There is no soft way to say this...

Whenever you see a new “AI Render Engine”, it’s a different form of Stable Diffusion behind it…
Nothing against them, most did their own work to offer something better, yet the main tool behind is a free tool called Stable Diffusion. So why not learn it yourself, right? :)

I'll show you how to take advantage of this powerful and open-source tool, on your own.

Why would you start integrating AI into your work?

Save time? Do better? What about both?

I don’t have all the answers for you, only you do. I am really curious to hear what is your why? Reply to this email to share it with me.

My guess is, you know you need to but the only problem is you don’t know how to start.

Here is how 👇🏻

Let me make this easy for you.
Join the early access before it ends! For the early birds, there is a special discount!

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